Thursday, September 22, 2005

My 18 years old are enough to understand this

The days go by and the life seem so dificult for us, but the matter is we don't appreciate
what we have. We just look for more everyday. The days, the years go by, we become older and later what we have? the remembers.

So if what you did are good things to remember your life have a treasure , but if you have spent your life thinking to obtain more and more everyday, at last your life hasn't had any worth.

Is different to think on accomplish a dream or to gain ground when you're working or studying
than when you're complaining about every little thing that happen to you and you began to wish:
"if i were this...., if i had this......, if i...."

The people who think everything is a shit is because they are the shit, so they're dirting everything they touch with their pesimist thougths; therefore, no thing are right for them.

So i tell you for the last: Look at your life around and appreciate the good times because when
everything's gone nothing come back.

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