Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Personal Opinion about homelessness taking the situation in Bonao


Well, in my opinion homelessness is an ordinary topic around the world
because wherever you go you see people living on streets, park or alley.
In Bonao (the city i live), there are homelessness people.Most of them are in
the park or walking around the streets.
As far as i could see two weeks ago, the causes of this problem are on account
of their mental condition because most of them are mentally ill (crazy); therefore, their family don't take care of them and they don't want him/her to
live with them, i mean they make a discrimination with this kind of people.
I think that the family are the responsables of this situation because as i said
in Bonao most of the homelessness people are mentally ill, so their families have
the right to look for a solution to this problem. They could look for a place for them or simply try to get some kind of treatments instead of leave them walking without rumbo on the streets.
Well that's it.

Friday, September 23, 2005


To live for real you live this day "today"
the life is sligth and pass so fast.
If you don't live today, you have lost your day.
Don't make dark your soul with fear and worries about tomorrow.
Don't carry on with the problems from the past.

Feel thanksfull and satisfied about the good things from past
and dream with the good could come tomorrow, but don't lose
yourself on things from the past or tomorrow
because only you're going to live one day: TODAY


To life for real you should live today
the life is sligth and pass so fast.
If you don't live today you have lost the day.
Don't make dark your spirit with fear and worries
about tomorrow, and try not to carry on your heart
with the action from the past.

Just live today.
Think thanksfull and satisfied about the wonderful
things from the past, dream about good things that could
come tomorrow, but don't lose your life in yesterday
or tomorrow.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

My 18 years old are enough to understand this

The days go by and the life seem so dificult for us, but the matter is we don't appreciate
what we have. We just look for more everyday. The days, the years go by, we become older and later what we have? the remembers.

So if what you did are good things to remember your life have a treasure , but if you have spent your life thinking to obtain more and more everyday, at last your life hasn't had any worth.

Is different to think on accomplish a dream or to gain ground when you're working or studying
than when you're complaining about every little thing that happen to you and you began to wish:
"if i were this...., if i had this......, if i...."

The people who think everything is a shit is because they are the shit, so they're dirting everything they touch with their pesimist thougths; therefore, no thing are right for them.

So i tell you for the last: Look at your life around and appreciate the good times because when
everything's gone nothing come back.

The wonderful of my country "Dominican Republic"

The beaches from my country are so beautiful.
It's amazing to see how many tourists came from
other countries all over the world to enjoy of this
beautiful island.

But is not only the beaches, we should see the mountains
and the green area that is around the country
where we can appreciate the best weather in the caribbean,
well that's my opinion but i'm sure that is not only mine,
is other's opinion too.

I've been talking to people from other country and you know
what they told me?, i know you don't know therefore i'm going
to tell you: "Your country is a big garden between the sea"
i asked: Why? they answered: where i live you don't
see an excellent environment: trees,
flowers, rivers, beaches, the friendly people selling on the street (they are too kind)
the people from the hotels are very polite,
so is a paradise with a compliment "Wonderful people around that enjoy their life dancing and
having fun even though their economical problems" .

Well i write this because we complain a lot about our country
Dominican Republic, but the matter is we don't stop for a minute
to see its beauty and but above all this we don't look at the treasures
we have.

Tha's a shame we're inside but most of the people
don't take a time to visit historical and cultural places,
and when tourists talk about a place form here we even know
the name.

think about it, the cost to enjoy of this, is nothing
compare with the money that foreing people spend to come here.
So next vacation try to know your country a little bit an you won't get tired about it.

Monday, September 19, 2005

"The best holy week of my life"

Well, as far as i remember, my friends invited me to go to Santo Domingo city to spend the holy week in one of our friend's house, is not exactly our friend's house because she lives here in Bonao with her father, it was her mother's house. Honestly my friends came to my house to ask for the permission. At first my parents said no, they told to my friends that they couldn't give me a permission to stay one week out of my house; ok my friends left but they told me "the trip is tomorrrow try to convince your father in the best way and later you call us" so i did that; my parents said yes, that i could go but with some conditions that i had to accept. In the morning of the next day me and my 3 friends were traveling to the capital to have fun for a week.

Since the first day we had a lot of fun; we enjoyed everyday we stayed there. Almost all the night we used to go out to the disco also we went to the Malecon to see the beautiful sea, on saint friday we went to the beach and on saturday night we went to the disco and almost at 4 a.m we wanted to visit the beach but because was holy week, all were closed so we went to the river. Oh! and i couldn't forget a delicious sweet beans we cooked.

All the vacation most of the time have love stories but that's a shame we didn't have because the boys were from the family and we only used to go out with them and with my friend's mother too. We couldn't speak or dance with other boys in the disco. As far as i know not everything was fun, we had to help with the houseworks and also we had some problems with our friend's sister but we got to resolve it and thanks GOD nothing bad passed to us. At last everything was good; imagine going to the river almost everyday and to the beach too, and in the night to the disco or the Malecon and other interesting places, it was wonderful.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

STORY (Anecdote)

Once i was in loved of a boy and he was in loved of me. We studied in the same school. One day he told me: "I would like to have something with you", i said that i had to think it; well he gave me a kiss on the mouth and he left, until the day that he went to my house with her mother that is my aunt, so we were cousin but we didn't know it. I felt so bad that day but never i said any word about it and neither does he.
I only said "Oh my God! how could pass this?"