Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My trip to ALASKA

Well, I just want to share somethings about Alaska.

As far as I could see this is a big state of USA but not many people live inside because the weather is so cold and as they have the oportunity to travel to NY....

Anyway I decided to travel there on my summer 2006, it was a great experience for me. I was in one island that belong to Alaska its name is Kodiak, and the city I was is called Larsen Bay is a very small one but the things I lived there are unforgettable.

I had the oportunity to travel thanks an exchange program for universitary students, there in Alaska I stayed 2 months. I had the oportunity to meet friends from Rusia, Bulgary, Cheka Republic, Slovenia, Rumania, Macronesia, Hawaii, Ukrania, Polonia, Mexico and USA but lso I shared with Dominican young people who were there with the same purpose as me "Work and Know".

Well, we were working with fish in one cannery called Kodiak Salmon Packers , now is called Icicle Seafoods.

We enjoyed so much because they used to make parties in Days off. But in reality what I like the most is that I have the oportunity to share with people from another countries.

I've discovered that JESUSCHRIST has a wonderful power that I can't explain is so big that can do everything.

My point is that if you do something in the name of JESUSCHRIST or you ask JEOVAH for something in his name it become true, it doesn't matter how big or small it is, you just have to keep the faith and trust. Maybe at the time you don't believe or you think everythin' happen to you is bad, you think you don't have luck in this life, but that's not true.

The matter is that we always pay attetion to the bad things and don't take a minute to see the wonderful things; I tell you leave the bad behind, never give the mind to it and from now on stop just in the wonderful things happen to you, thanks GOD for it and think the bad are just proof that I know that when it happen later you get the power to get out of it, because there is a strange strenght that help you and you know it on the contrary you were lying on the floor.

So, I take advantage of this time to thanks GOD for his son JESUSCHRIST, for the love the father and son have for us (The world, my family, everything) and also to thank them for the wonderful things I've had lately and always.

Before I didn't know life was so good and easy to carry on in one way anyway we have to be watch out with life's proof, beause of my past attitude I've lost many good things one in special; right now I don't know why it happen soon but Jeovah has helped me to carry on with this proof of the life, I've asked him this and more in the na me of his son, our savior and lord JESUSCHRIST and everything has come true, I mean the possible and beneficiary things because you can't ask for impossible things you know it won't happen.Everybody has made so many mistakes but you still have time to do good things to remember because as you know nobody can remain it.

Remember: Look at your life around and appreciate the good times because when everything's gone nothing come back.